The golden rule is never say never – Organic Mama product review

There are quite a few things I’ve already done during motherhood that I said I’d never do. Such as… I won’t be one of those Mum’s who misses her kid the second she walks out the front door for date night (I missed him almost immediately and talked about him pretty much the entire night). I won’t drink endless cups of coffee (two cups on average a day… except they’re usually double-shots. Don’t judge me). I won’t spam my Facebook page with baby photos and posts (totally guilty but he’s all I take photos of… apart from food). I will be able to talk about things APART from my baby (how?! I don’t DO anything else!) I won’t tell people not to touch my baby if he’s asleep (I just told Mum off for this one and she didn’t even touch him, she was just being a nice Nanna and checking he’d not got himself stuck between the cradle bars mid-sleep which is his new party trick). And one I was quite certain I wouldn’t break… I won’t wear teething jewellery.

This last one is interesting because as soon as H was born, I immediately started looking at teething jewellery in a whole new light. I swear there’s something in your brain that flicks over when you become a Mum. Eight hours sleep is no longer a necessity. Coffee is even more important than food. If breastfeeding, your entire wardrobe becomes unwearable unless it can be adapted to breastfeed in. Normal bras seem like the biggest luxury in the world.

My interests and likes changed from cool new bars to baby-friendly cafes. Cute babies clog my instagram feed and I’m more interested in buying H new clothes than I am in buying things for myself. Ok, that one might not be COMPLETELY truthful but I’m less selfish than I used to be. I think…

During my endless scrolling during night feeds (I’m an expert at feeding H on one side while scrolling through instagram with the other) I came across @organicmamashop on instagram. Filled with beautiful items for Mum’s and bubs, I was instantly drawn to the range of teething jewellery on offer. I love the range of colours and the shapes of the beads – nothing like my original thoughts on teething jewellery. I know what I like, I know what suits me and as much as I adore being a Mummy, I still want to feel gorgeous and wear pretty things.

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This is where Organic Mama definitely delivers. I have the Boho Mama necklace with in cream and grey. I adore the colours as they’re neutral enough to go with all my outfits and the beads are beautifully soft for H to chew on (when he gets to that stage!) Even though H isn’t teething yet (oh the joys still to come) I still wear my necklace as it’s also good for increasing tactile awareness. He’s changing everyday and I notice he’s started grabbing at things so this necklace is just perfect. Although I’m trying to work out how to get him to grab my necklace rather than my hair!

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Allowing babies to feel different textures is great for their development and this necklace is soft and smooth to touch. Just now as I bent over to coo at him (yes, I now coo on a regular basis) he gave me the hugest smile and began to chew on my necklace. Talk about a perfect product placement moment.

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Another reason to love it is it helps H focus during breastfeeding. He’s definitely a kid who gets FOMO (fear of missing out for those of you who aren’t so down with the cool-kid lingo… don’t worry, I had to google it the first time I heard it) and likes to look around while breastfeeding. I never knew that teething jewellery could have so many uses! I seriously thought they were just for kids to chew on when they’re teething but like all things to do with motherhood, I’m learning so much!


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For a gorgeous range of teething jewellery and other beautiful baby things, be sure to check out or follow them on instagram @organicmamashop If you have any specific colours in mind for your necklace, just drop Organic Mama a line and they will be happy to help you find exactly what you’re after!

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Thank you to Organic Mama for gifting me my Boho Mama necklace. H and I both love it!

4 thoughts on “The golden rule is never say never – Organic Mama product review

  1. Terrific review! I don’t think there was teething necklaces when my oldest was born but this is definitely something I would definitely be interested in with my newest edition!


    1. Hi moonchildmama,

      So pleased you enjoyed it! Teething necklaces are a great addition to your Mummy wardrobe, especially pretty ones : ) Good luck with your newest edition, super exciting! xx


  2. 😂😂😂 oh my gosh I can totally relate to most of this!
    I love reading your blogs, you are truly talented!


    1. Lol! So glad it resonated with you hon! I’m sure there are many more I’ve not come across yet! Currently contemplating a third coffee today!!! And THANK YOU, what a sweet thing to say! x


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