Six ways I’ve changed since becoming a mum

I was recently tagged in an instagram post by one of my insta-besties, @aliceinhealthyland to share how I’ve changed since becoming a Mumma. I actually thought long and hard about this and I’m pretty darn proud of this list so I decided to share it on my blog.

That plus it’s Friday night and my darling husband has claimed our one and only tv to watch the footy so I thought it was high time I updated my neglected lil blog.

I do not judge. Ok, sometimes I judge but I follow it by putting myself in their shoes and nine times outta ten, I retract my judgement. I don’t know what that mum is going through. I don’t know their child. I don’t know their family life. I don’t know how they’re feeling and above all… I am not them. This has also helped me be less judgemental in all aspects of my life, not just with other mums and I feel I am a better person for being less judgemental. But I’ll be honest, it took becoming a mum and being on the receiving end of unnecessary judgement to make me realise this.


I never say never. Oooh this is a biggie! I cringe at the thought of things I’ve previously said to mums about what I will or won’t do when I have a baby. Oh shut up in-the-past-me! You have NO idea! I gave my baby a dummy. I sent him to daycare with a runny nose. I baby spam the shizz out of my instagramI went back to work full time. All things I didn’t think I’d do. Never. Say. Never!


I am (learning to be) more patient. This is a big learning curve for me and something I’m continually working on. I find I make much more rational decisions, am happier with myself and in my relationship when I’m more patient. It’s not always easy but I’m trying. Remind me to keep trying as we edge closer to terrible-two territory…


My life is fuller. I was worried I’d miss my pre-baby life that was more relaxed, carefree, let me exercise when I wanted to, travel often, sleep in and just be selfish. I was terrified I’d regret having a child. Never in a million years did I think I would love parenthood so much. I love everything (well almost everything) about it. This is exactly where I’m meant to be in my life. I honestly don’t miss my former carefree life. Except maybe the sleep ins…


Mummy-guilt is real. Do I exercise or spend that time with H? Do I catch up with my friends at night when I’ve been at work all day and won’t get home to see H? Will H remember always being at daycare and develop slower because I’m not there to teach him myself? I battle with these questions every day and I worry I’m not doing the right thing by my child. To live the life we want, I need to work. I envy stay at home mums yet enjoy having a career and a pay check. Are we doing the right thing by sending H to daycare five days a week? OMG can someone please tell me how to ease the mummy-guilts cause they’re killin’ me lately!


I love my body more. I’m not in the best shape of my life. Heck, I barely remember to brush my hair let alone fit in a gym class. But I have never loved my body more since having H. Not only did my amazing bod house and birth a whole human being (and one with a head circumference in the 97th percentile I might add) but I actually feel better in myself since giving birth. Sure, there are squishy sections and bits that ain’t what they used to be but I’m damn proud of how I look and what my body has been through #mumbodandproud


Until next blog – sorry for being MIA (AGAIN) but we’re mid-move so things are kinda hectic (surely I will stop having excuses as to why I’m not blogging soon!) Thanks for reading xx

3 thoughts on “Six ways I’ve changed since becoming a mum

  1. Such a lovely read Dan. Great to hear you’re doing so well and I don’t think there’s any cure for mummy guilt… even if you were with him all the time you’d be feeling it! Hope you’re settling well into your new home xx


    1. Thank you so much Gina! Means a LOT to have the love and support from a fellow blogger! Oh I know, mummy guilt is inevitable – I know if I was at home 24/ 7 with him I’d feel guilty about not exposing him to other children and worry financially that I wasn’t contributing… it’s never ending! I’d love to push my blog further and do more with it like you have – I need some tips cause the life of a blogger sounds like my style, so I can spend more time with H but making a living from it too!


      1. You definitely should Dan! Like the Merries always say ‘what you focus on grows’ and I’ve definitely found since pouring more time and also belief in SC, it’s totally paid off. I love all your recipes, parenting ideas and am always watching your Insta stories. Definitely happy to chat ideas any time xx


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